All on 4

The all-on-4 concept is a surgical and prosthetic protocol for immediate function involving the use of our implants to support fixed prosthesis in patients who know that they are losing their teeth. These individuals have been trying to hold on as long as possible because they do not want to have any time in their life without teeth, and the thought of a removable denture is not an option.

The all-on-4 procedure uses 4 implants per arch (upper and lower). The dental implants in the back are placed on an angle to take maximum advantage of the existing bone structure. The qualified patients receive the 4 implants and a full set of new upper and lower replacement teeth in just one appointment. The real attraction to the all-on-4  implant procedure is how quickly permanent dental implants can be placed. This allows patients the ability to leave the same day with a denture that is fixed in place and stabilized by dental implants.

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